* 1966 in Braunschweig, Germany
Dr. Niels Ch. Baron
Master of Arts, Military Studies, Strategic Leadership with Honors
American Military University, West Virginia, USA
Post Graduate Degree in Philosophy of Economics
FernUniverität Hagen, Germany
Dr. rer. nat. Theoretical Physics
Friedrich-Wilhelms-University Bonn, Bonn, Germany

Top-Management Consulting & Coaching since 1992
Since 2015: StrategoLab LLC, Crestview, FL, USA
Since 2004: eigenheit Konsultation & Initiation, Cologne, Germany
1998 – 2003: Founding Partner und Executive Board Member of Cologne Strategy Group;
Responsible for HR, Training and Development, Law
1996 – 1997: Partner and Executive Board Member Dicke & Wicharz Managementberatung, Germany
1992 – 1995: Consultant und Project Leader Dicke & Wicharz Managementberatung, Germany